
The judgment seat of christ timeline
The judgment seat of christ timeline

(5) Paul emphasizes its individuality (“ each one”). Paul himself anticipated standing at this judgment, for it served (at least in part) as the motivation for his grace-energized efforts to “please” the Lord (v. It is essential for God to bring to consummation his redemptive purpose and to fully honor the glory of his name among his people. This is not a day that can be set aside as irrelevant or unnecessary. (4) We should also take note of the inevitability of judgment for everyone (“we must all appear”). 22:12), at the close of human history, most likely in conjunction with that larger assize that will include all unbelievers, known to students of the Bible as the Great White Throne judgment (see Revelation 20:11ff.). Having said that, I’m inclined to think it happens at the second coming of Christ (cf. The most that we can be sure of is that it happens after death (see Heb. (3) W hen does this judgment occur: At the moment of physical death? During the intermediate state? At the second coming of Christ? Paul doesn’t seem concerned to specify when. This judgment is not designed to determine entrance into the kingdom of God but reward or status or authority within it.

the judgment seat of christ timeline

Eternal destiny is not at issue eternal reward is. This judgment does not determine entrance into the kingdom, but rather the status of those already admitted. This judgment is an evaluation of faithfulness and service within God's family. Eternal destiny is not at issue eternal reward is (see John 3:18 5:24 Rom. We do not read here of a declaration of doom, but an assessment of worth. Therefore, the purpose of this particular judgment is not penal or retributive, but is designed to assess the works of Christians in order that the appropriate reward and praise may be assigned to them. In other words, whatever else Paul may have in mind in 2 Corinthians 5, if you are “in Christ Jesus” by faith you need never, ever fear condemnation.

the judgment seat of christ timeline

(2) What is the nature or purpose of the judgment? In one of the most encouraging and liberating texts in the New Testament, Paul wrote: “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1).

the judgment seat of christ timeline

2:7-10), not a delineation of two types of action which may be predicated of all people” (406). Murray Harris has also pointed out that wherever Paul speaks of the recompense, according to works, of all people (such as in Romans 2:6), “there is found a description of two mutually exclusive categories of people (Rom. (1) First, who is to be judged? Whereas it is possible that all mankind are included here, the broader context in 2 Corinthians 4-5 suggests that believers only are in view. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil.” There Paul writes this: “So whether we are at home or away, we make it our aim to please him. The single most explicit biblical text on the judgment that awaits every Christian is found in 2 Corinthians 5:9-10.

The judgment seat of christ timeline